What can Skills Intelligence do for your business?

Jul 11 , 2024
2 minutes
 What can Skills Intelligence do for your business?

Wouldn’t it be great if your organization knew what skills and competencies your employees already possess, and more importantly had the data to help you really understand the gaps? If you had this information, you could efficiently source or upskill your employees to fill those skills gaps. 

That’s exactly where Skills Intelligence comes into play. 

More often than not, organizations only have partial knowledge of their employees’ skills. This implies a lot of wasted potential — in driving cost-efficiency, organizational growth, and employee career development.

But first, let’s back it up.


What is Skills Intelligence?

Skills Intelligence is more than just gathering data. It's about gathering qualitative and quantitative data about your organization to understand the existing skills and competencies within your workforce, identify gaps and opportunities, and develop meaningful strategies to propel your organization forward by upskilling, reskilling, and bringing in new hires whose skills can support your growth.

Ultimately a strong skills intelligence strategy will help you to better manage resources, improve retention, and get a better return on investment for your workforce transformation initiatives.

(P.S. our CEO did a great Q&A on Skills Intelligence if you want to hear straight from the top).


How do we put Skills Intelligence into practice?

By knowing what already exists, you can focus on what is needed. So your next step is to figure out how you should optimize your workforce, based on the goal the organization is trying to achieve. 

Are you expanding your line of business?

Do you require specific skills for a particular project? 

For some, you might need to increase your headcount within the business. Others might require an internal upskilling opportunity — through training and skills-verified courses to ensure the team is equipped with the necessary skills to tackle the tasks. Some organizations may have the flexibility to shift employees between teams with greater capacity or temporarily outsource individuals for certain projects. This encompasses what we identify as the “buy, build, borrow” framework — “buying” skills and competencies by recruitment, “building” them through reskilling and upskilling initiatives, or “borrowing” them through employee reallocation or temporary contracts.

Skills Intelligence isn't just a service — it's about embracing the power of data to support the decision-making processes that catapult your organization and your workforce forward. By harnessing the data gathered from Skills Intelligence, you’ll be better informed to take on challenges and achieve organizational goals.

Want to know more about how we can utilize Skills Intelligence to help your organization? Drop us a message and let’s chat

Team Talent

Team Talent